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Partner Spotlight On: Richard Brashares, Technology for Social Impact Lead, Crayon UK.


Placing a 'Spotlight On' some of our much valued partners, this month it's the turn of Richard Brashares from Crayon UK.

What attracted you to working as a partner alongside Venture 1?

Venture 1 have been partnering with Crayon for many years. I recently joined Crayon as their Tech for Social Impact Lead (working with Charities) and found Venture 1 completely aligned in their approach and support of Non for profit organisations. Venture 1 set up a series of Non for profit webinars introducing the Microsoft TSI programme to their clients and partners which were incredibly well received. We plan to do more moving forward this year and into 2024.

What sorts of things do you do with Venture 1?

Probably answered in Q1, but working alongside a partner like Venture 1, that is so committed to working and supporting UK Charities is a real breath of fresh air. Venture 1 offer great managed services to Nonprofits defined by a consultative and thorough understanding of their requirements and an appreciation of the common challenges that Nonprofits face on a day to day basis.

What’s your favourite thing about working with Venture 1?

Working alongside Venture 1 is more fun than work, they have a great appreciation and professionalism across the Microsoft technology stacks with comprehensive consultancy, vast experience and very supportive managed services that meet Nonprofits actual needs.


  • Favourite Film: My Fair Lady great film, clever lyrics, funny, educational and full of joy. Great adaptation of the Taming of the Shrew.

  • Favourite Drink: Lime Daquiri - Very sharp, always brings back very happy sailing memories, which can't be a bad thing.

  • Favourite Book: I will struggle here, as I am a big reader. But probably my desert island book would have to be - Kahlil Gibran's The Prophet - it can be read on many levels and helps with many human experiences. My copy was gifted to me many years ago and has stayed with me ever since.

  • Favourite Brand: Interesting question, I would have to say Cordings in Piccadilly a very traditional outfitters owned by Eric Clapton. Great ranges and ethical selections supporting British weavers and cloth manufacturers.

  • Favourite Emoji: It will have to be to smile :)

If you could invite anyone round for dinner, who would it be?

Stephen Fry, simply because he is so knowledgeable and entertaining.

Henry Williamson (he wrote Tarka the Otter), he was my Godfather, but I never really got to know him as he sadly passed away when I was quite young.

Lastly, Dame Judi Dench I saw her recently talking about her life, and thought how wonderful she was and what a wonderful sense of humour she had, as well as many wonderful anecdotes.

You can connect with Richard via Linkedin here


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