The StandOut Programme
People leaving prison need the best possible chance to rebuild their lives if they are to move out of the justice system for good.
For many people, key to achieving that is long-term holistic support through a relationship based on trust. StandOut delivers intensive group programmes inside prison followed by 1:1 individually-tailored support after release for as long as required.
Phase 1: intensive course inside prison
StandOut’s support begins with an intensive three-week programme inside prison to prepare people for life outside. Group work is combined with in-depth one-to-one sessions so that coaches can get to know each person’s needs and their hopes for the future. The course includes:
· Developing positive mindsets and new ways of thinking · Overcoming trauma and building the resilience needed to handle setbacks · Developing key life skills in communication, leadership, and organisation · Visits from employers who believe in second chances for prison leavers · Volunteer-led CV writing and mock interview workshops · Building confidence, motivation and self-worth.
StandOut coaches create a safe space where people can discover who they are and what they are capable of achieving. They build non-judgemental and honest relationships, based on trust, which are crucial for the next phase of StandOut’s support.
Phase 2: preparation for release
After the course, coaches continue to offer one-to-one practical support and work with people to plan for life and work beyond release. This work is often carried out in collaboration with other support services such as housing and substance misuse recovery workers.
Phase 3: support beyond prison
The hard work really starts when people leave prison. Contrary to what many think, release from prison isn’t always an exciting prospect for people. There is often a great deal of uncertainty about the first days and weeks, and very few people are ‘ready’ for work straight after prison.
StandOut coaches offer one-to-one, holistic support after release for as long as required. This support looks different for everyone. It is individually tailored to each person and their plans to build stability in their lives.
The journey, which can often involve ups and downs, focuses on employment, education or training but also involves wrap-around support to help people build stability across all areas of life. This can include support with housing, recovery from alcohol and substance misuse, issues with family or difficulties with mental health.
Life is complicated and there is rarely a quick fix and so StandOut’s door is always open.
If you are interested in learning how you can support their work please visit: https://www.standout.org.uk/getinvolved